Kai Says

"Kai Says" - Introduction - 2014
"Kai Says" - Demo App - 2015
"Memo" - Table-top assistant device - 2015
More Kai Says demonstration videos... (1)
More Kai Says demonstration videos... (2)
Steve McDonald / Lakeshore Labs
Kai Says (also knows as "Kai") is a web and mobile app that enhances productivity around a user's calendar and tasks.
Easily my most ambitious personal engineering project, Kai Says is the result of 100s of hours of development including experiments with assistant interaction, a table-top assistant device, mobile applications and web applications.
My goal with Kai Says was to develop tools with common features for a neurotypical individual and enhanced unique features for persons living with mild to moderate cognitive and memory based disorders. Eventually, Kai Says would evolve into an entrepreneurial project, KnowPal.
Kai Says utilizes such technologies including speech synthesis, speech recognition and natural language processing.